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Help! I moved and my watch is going to my old address!


Watch Gang utilizes a variety of shipping services. Please find the section below that is applicable to the shipment you are referring to.



Unfortunately, once your watch is out the door, we have almost no control over where it goes unless it gets sent back for some reason. But don’t worry! You can actually forward all your mail by going to the USPS’s Mover’s Guide. This is a great way to make sure you don’t miss a single piece of mail. With it, you’re able to enter in the date that your mail needs to be forwarded to your new address and any mail sent after that day to your former address, will be automatically re-routed.



If you don't have UPS My Choice, you can find information on how to reroute a package here. Bear in mind that there may be additional transportation fees applied. Your best option, however, is to sign up for UPS My Choice and have complete control over the entire delivery process. There still may be fees applied to forward to a location that's significantly further away, but if you're still in the same town, you'll be able to reroute to your new address as well as have the UPS hold your package at a nearby location.



You are able to have FedEx hold your package at one of several secure site such as a local Walgreens or Dollar General. All the info you’ll need to do so can be found by signing up for FedEx’s Delivery Manager. If you’ve moved to a completely different city, you are able to forward your package to a different address, but FedEx may charge you a small fee.

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