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What is the On Demand program?

On Demand is a great feature for those that aren't sure if they want to receive a mystery watch every month or if they're looking to buy someone a one-off mystery watch as a gift. On Demand allows our members to order one mystery watch at a time with no subscription required.

IMPORTANT: Switching from a recurring billing cycle to on-demand does not cancel your subscription. You will still be set up to be billed for one more watch on your next renewal date. If you'd like to cancel your account, go to "manage plan" in your account settings, and click "I want to stop receiving automatic shipments."

Members can update their shipment frequency anytime when they log in to their dashboard. If you start out at one watch at a time, you can always switch to Monthly or Quarterly. All you need to do is login to your dashboard and click on "Manage your Plan" and you can take it from there.

You will only be automatically entered for our weekly giveaways when you have a monthly shipment scheduled.


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