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Monthly Subscription Renewal Policy & Schedule

If you signed up after September 6th, 2022.


You'll be able to find your next renewal date on the main page of your Account under "PLAN DETAILS."


All monthly subscriptions renew on the same date you signed up. If you signed up on a date that doesn’t exist every month, like the 31st for example, you’ll still renew on the last day of the other months. Your watch will ship out within 3-5 business days of the renewal processing. 


Same goes for Quarterly subscriptions where you renew every 3 months. 


All prepaid multi-month subscriptions will renew on the same date you signed up after your final shipment month. It’ll automatically convert to a month-to-month plan. 


You can always change your renewal date in your account settings. 


Here's an example of a Renewal Schedule Calendar based on the plan you've selected:

Month-to-Month Subscription

For example:

Sign up on September 9th. Your watch ships out within 3 business days. Your first renewal will be on October 9th. Rinse and repeat.


Quarterly Subscription

Sign up on September 9th. Your watch ships out within 3 business days. Your 1st renewal will be on December 9th. Rinse and repeat.

PrePaid Multi-Month Subscription

For example: 

Sign up for a 1 year prepaid subscription, on September 9th, 2022. Your watch ships out within 3 business days. Your ship target for the other 11 watches will be the same date as your first one for every following month. Your 1st renewal will be on September 9th, 2023. You’ll automatically move to a month to month sub to avoid a surprisingly high bill a year later. You can always change and sign up for a second year in advance. 


If you signed up before September 6th, 2022.


If you signed up before the 6th of September 2022, your monthly subscriptions renew on the 1st of each month unless you change your renewal date manually in your account settings. 


Month-to-Month Subscription

Ordered monthly sub between May 1st thru 21st: 1st watch ships in 3 days, your first renewal date is June 1st and your 2nd watch will have tracking within 3-5 business days.


Ordered monthly sub between May 22nd thru 31st: 1st watch ships in 3 days, your first renewal date is July 1st and your 2nd watch will have tracking within 3-5 business days.


Quarterly Subscription

Ordered quarterly sub between May 1st thru 21st: Watch ships in 3 days, 2nd watch renews Aug. 1st for August watch with tracking within 3 business days. 


Ordered quarterly sub between May 22nd thru 31st: Watch ships in 3 days, 2nd watch renewal Sept. 1st for September watch with tracking within 3 business days. 


PrePaid Multi-Month Subscription

Ordered 3-month sub between May 1st thru 21st: Watch ships in 3 days, 2nd watch on June 16th, 3rd watch on July 16th, renewal Aug. 1st for August with tracking within 3 business days. 


Ordered 3-month sub between  May 22nd thru 31st: Watch ships in 3 days, 2nd watch on July 16th, 3rd watch on Aug. 16th, renewal Sept. 1st for September watch with tracking within 3 business days. 

Those who purchased prepaid multi-month plans prior to June 11, 2019 will renew at the same multi-month package upon renewal on the 1st of the month.

Stopping Automatic Shipments


You can stop your monthly shipments at any time, however, renewal must be canceled prior to your rebill date. All sales are final with no refunds, returns or exchanges.


There are fees associated with ending a Pre-Paid subscription plan early. You can find more information here.


You can send your request via the Manage My Subscription form or email at

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